I made a StrawPage recently! Check it out. Although it has a button that takes you back to this site, it has an ask box and a draw box too. :>
I made a StrawPage recently! Check it out. Although it has a button that takes you back to this site, it has an ask box and a draw box too. :>
Hey all, it's been a while. I wanted to update this blog to let you all know I'm ok and still alive. It's been incredibly difficult keeping this blog current, as a lot of my work-life balance is pretty much up in the air even after the Holidays.
Nonetheless, I've been checking my e-mails and have especially been keeping up with the webring. I really appreciate all of the attention it's been getting and appreciate those who've expressed interest in joining the webring. As a reminder, information on this webring can be found on here. Please read all of the info there too! There are certain conditions that need to be met in order to join and I will check them before adding any members.
The title is pretty self-explanatory! Well, maybe except one thing. I added a witch that follows your mouse cursor; that witch specifically being yours truly, heheh.
To get further into its history it's a little Javascript toy I'd made for my old Tumblr blog since 2014, so it's already a decade old at this point. I'd recently refactored the code so it's more robust. I did try an object-oriented approach with it before but the way I did it was very, very inconsistent and it was before Javascript got its major ES6 update which made writing classes a lot simpler than it was then.
I'll keep it on my blog until next month comes, but I'll be publishing the source code for it on my GitHub in the near future. Other than that, hope y'all have a fun and spooky month this year!
Hello all, just popping in to say that I appreciate the positive reception toward Chao Ring. I've already gotten quite a few sites in the network and it's still growing! With that in mind, I'm happy to add more sites into the ring for as long as the site has at least a bit of chao content. More info on how to enroll is on this page. Moreover, I've made the source code for the widget available on GitHub so you all could play around with it some; possibly even make your own webring with it. You can find it here. Thanks and have a good night. :>
Hello all, I've made this entry to announce the creation of my new webring, Chao Ring. It's a bit weird how it started, because one day I was falling behind on laundry and saw someone talking about webrings on social media and then I decided to look at some widgets, more particularly the onionring.js widget.
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