Articles under category 'Site Update'

Chao Ring

Hello all, I've made this entry to announce the creation of my new webring, Chao Ring. It's a bit weird how it started, because one day I was falling behind on laundry and saw someone talking about webrings on social media and then I decided to look at some widgets, more particularly the onionring.js widget.



Not much to say here except I have a guestbook now! It's not as modern but it does have some cross-compatibility with legacy and modern browsers. You can view it here or you can use the site navigation to get to it. Have a good day, y'all. :>


Site Changes

Well, the title is kind of a self-explanatory one but you may have noticed that even the homepage looks different here! I worked on this site last weekend so that it runs entirely on the Pelican engine! This streamlines a lot of what I do to update the homepage so I don't have to edit whole HTML files in one part of the site and manage Markdown in the other.


Forgot to Mention One Thing! (Feeds)

I forgot to mention, if you're looking at this page right now and and wondering how you would be able to keep up with this blog more easily, you've come to the right place! Otherwise, if you're already seeing this through your feed reader, carry on.


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