Chao Ring

Chao Ring

Hello! You might've came across this page either from mine or another person's site. You may or may not be interested in this particular webring. This webring is what I like to call the Chao Ring. This mostly consists of a circular navigation of NeoCities-like sites of those who adore the fairy-like creatures that made their debut in the first two Sonic Adventure games.

The rules for joining this ring are very simple:

  1. Your site needs to make a reference to chao on at least one page, and it doesn't necessarily need to be in text. It can even be a piece of artwork!
  2. Hate speech will not be tolerated. Any web site found to promote nazism, pedophilia, zoophilia, transphobia, fatphobia and the like will result in a removal and blacklist without warning.
  3. Your web site must be safe for work.
  4. Include the widget in at least one page on your web site. The snippet is attached below.

Paste this code where you would like the widget to appear:

<div id="chao-ring">
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

That's it! From there you would just need to contact me using the information on my contact page and I will respond within 24-48 hours. E-mailing me a message with the subject "Chao Ring" will help me find it faster, if possible. Any violations of the aforementioned rules may result in a notification before removal from the webring should the site remain non-compliant for 72 hours, unless stated otherwise.

Despite being a non-iframe solution, the widget is not invasive. It will never ask for cookies and the page elements surrounding it remain intact. It grabs the URL of the current page, adds an extra stylesheet in the header element of the page (Cleanslate) and modifies the target container (#chao-ring). You can view the source code on my GitHub repository. Feel free to play with it to your heart's content and maybe make your own webring with it, too!

If you're here to check out our list of affiliated sites but the widget does not show all of them:

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